Here’s what’s new in update 2.21. We’ve added DLSS 4 to the PC version, fixed issues with Smart Frames on Xbox, and made improvements to Photo Mode. Read on for details.
Photo Mode
- You can now position Nibbles and Adam Smasher in the frame even if V is midair or underwater.
- Adam Smasher’s facial expressions switch correctly.
- Fixed an issue where Adam Smasher’s glowing cyberimplants on his chest were invisible.
- Players with Johnny’s alternate look enabled can still place him in his classic appearance.
- Characters no longer “snap” to the ground when V is above it or underwater.
- Character settings are now properly saved in preset compositions.
- Placed characters no longer vanish after switching backgrounds.
- V’s rotation and position are preserved correctly.
- Fixed a bug preventing height adjustment for V within a certain range.
- Characters hidden by turning off “Crowds” no longer collide with objects.
- Extra light sources are handled correctly when loading a preset composition.
- The camera no longer latches onto walls with the “Collision” option turned on.
- Camera settings apply immediately without reloading your presets.
- The camera position stays unchanged when adding a background.
- The camera rotates correctly when a background is active in the frame.
- “Move Camera” and “Rotate Camera” hints don’t appear when the camera can’t move (e.g., in first-person view).
- It’s now possible to move the camera after placing a character while the “Editable Character” menu is open.
- Chromatic aberration settings can be adjusted even if the global toggle is off.
- Fixed an issue where certain objects disappeared if crowds were hidden.
- Police cars no longer start moving unexpectedly with PhysX Cloth turned on.
- The “Rule of Thirds” grid changes correctly with different aspect ratios.
- Fixed a bug making images in Smart Frames invisible if you interacted without facing them.
- The game no longer freezes when entering Photo Mode while opening the wardrobe or stash simultaneously.
- You can’t access Photo Mode before a save file finishes loading (which previously caused a lockout).
- Fixed minor issues with character placement, camera control, and related elements.
- Also fixed various menu issues involving Photo Mode, Smart Frames, and the gallery (including slider displays, localization, sound effects, and parameter interaction).
Vehicle Customization
- Resolved mismatched textures and colors for “Crystal Layer” vehicle paints.
- The “AutoFixer” website description now clarifies the paint spray icon.
- Minor UI fixes in the “Crystal Layer” and “Contratone” menus.
Character Creation
- Auto-pick settings are preserved when moving on to attribute selection.
- You can now choose piercings and change their colors even if V started without them.
- Fixed smaller issues related to appearance settings, including visual glitches and UI errors.
- Between Two Worlds (Interlude): fixed a bug preventing deactivation of Aguilar’s imprint or Aguilar himself after meeting Bennett under certain conditions.
- Removed instances where two Johnnys appeared in the passenger seat simultaneously.
- Adjusted how often Johnny shows up in the passenger seat if he was appearing too rarely.
- Characters and vehicles behave more naturally during minor Night City events.
- Fixed issues preventing dialogue with certain vendors.
- News broadcast audio on TVs is now audible at a proper volume.
- The description for the “Quadra Turbo-R ‘V-Tech’” car no longer duplicates “Quadra Turbo-R 740.”
- A missing message about patch 2.2 is now displayed properly.
- Screenshots on Xbox now display correctly in the gallery with HDR10 enabled.
- Added a pop-up in the gallery notifying players if screenshot creation is blocked by Xbox privacy settings.
- Screenshots deleted outside the game on Xbox are now marked and removed upon re-entering the gallery.
- On Xbox Series S, the “Graphics Mode” default is no longer set to “Quality” instead of “Performance.”
- Added DLSS 4 support, which creates additional frames on GeForce RTX 50 GPUs starting January 30. This boosts frame rates by rendering up to three times more hardware-generated frames.
- DLSS 4 also speeds up frame generation on RTX 50 and 40 cards while using less memory.
- You can already choose between the convolutional neural network model and the new transformation model for “DLSS Ray Reconstruction,” “DLSS Super Resolution,” and “DLAA” on all GeForce RTX cards. The transformation model provides more stable visuals, improved lighting, and better detail.
- Fixed crashes and artifacts on in-game screens when DLSS Ray Reconstruction is enabled.
- The “Frame Generation” setting now refreshes correctly after disabling resolution scaling.
Make sure to update your game to enjoy the latest enhancements!