Xbox: the free games “Games with Gold” from March 2021, there is Metal Slug 3 in them

Xbox: the free games "Games with Gold" from March 2021, there is Metal Slug 3 in them

As usual, as the end of the month slowly approaches, Microsoft reveals the list of games planned for the Games with Gold program, the equivalent of the PlayStation Plus in the competition. For the month of March 2021, the selection could not be more electronic, as is often the case, and among the games that are announced, one particularly caught our eye. This is Metal Slug 3, symbol of SNK’s overflowing imagination at the end of the 90s. In March 2021, it is also the opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Port Royale 3, a game of management released on Xbox 360, or to test his skill on Warface Breakout, a tactical FPS which has been trying to make itself known to the general public for several months by all possible means. As for Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse, it is a futuristic top-down action game where you lead battleships on legs. In short, you get it, there is something for everyone.

  • Warface Breakout (Xbox One): March 1-31, 2021
  • Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse (Xbox One): March 16 to April 15, 2021
  • Metal Slug 3 (Xbox 360 playable on One): March 1 to 15, 2021
  • Port Royale 3 (Xbox 360 playable on One): March 16-31, 2021


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