The second installment of Dragon’s Dogma features a feline queen who governs a whole country, and I simply must have this RPG in my possession

Dragon's Dogma 2
(Image credit: Capcom)

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has a cat-person playing the role of a stoic monarch, and I love it.

Capcom’s action-RPG might lean hard into dark fantasy, but it’s still got some more pleasant surprises. Chief among them might just be Nadenia, the character you can see below, a newcomer to Dragon’s Dogma 2. Don’t let looks deceive you – this cat-person apparently rules an entire kingdom.

According to the text above, Nadenia became the ruler of an entire nation at a pretty young age, so it sure sounds like she’s got the weight of the world on her soldiers. The nation, which is apparently called ‘Batal,’ has a people that quickly came to adore their young monarch.

Nadenia is, if you’re unfamiliar, from a brand new race of characters in Dragon’s Dogma 2. They’re called Beastran, which is a little on the nose from Capcom, admittedly, but sure does capture their image. The cat-like people sure do bring back memories of The Elder Scrolls’ Khajiit.

If I know anything about online fandoms, I’d put good money on Nadenia quickly becoming an adored character by the Dragon’s Dogma 2 fanbase. Aids to the player character in dark fantasy games are nearly always popular characters (just look at Bloodborne’s doll for example), and a young monarch who’s risen above everything to become loved by a nation makes for a lovely story.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 finally launches next year on March 22, exclusively for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S new-gen consoles, and PC. You can read up on our full Dragon’s Dogma 2 preview for our hands-on experience with the new action-RPG.

You can also check out our new games 2023 guide for a look at all the other titles launching early next year. 



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