Austin, the Lone Star State’s capital, offering both the best of Southern charm and city attractions, but that just skims the surface of what drivers visiting the city in our upcoming can discover.

Cruising along the I-35, drivers will be greeted with a view of all the major skyscrapers that downtown Austin has to offer, as well as the Mike Myers and DKR Texas Memorial Stadiums. With the continual growth and development of this city, cranes can be spotted all across the skyline creating new buildings and infrastructure.

With big cities come complex road networks, and Austin is no exception. Players travelling on the Monarch Hwy will come across a large five level interchange where the I-35 and U2-290 meet. This spaghetti like junction can be quite confusing, so be sure to follow your GPS. You may even find yourself travelling over the Colorado River as you travel between the southern and northern parts of the city.

Austin is booming with businesses small and large and drivers will be able to deliver to 10 different depots spread across into 3 industry areas in the city. No matter what cargo you are haulin’, we sure do recommend taking the time to explore all that the capital has to offer, especially as almost every frontage road in Austin is open for players to drive down!

We recommend sticking around Austin for a while, so why not consider making it a location for your newest garage? It’s a prime location for contracts and comes with a lovely view of the downtown area. We can’t wait for you to finally visit.

Of course, this just a small part of what the HUGE state of Texas has to offer for drivers, and we can’t wait for you to visit. Be sure to add Texas to your Steam Wishlist to stay in the know of its release and potential future sales. Until then, stay weird Austin!
