Temtem CEO Announces New Game Because MMO Audience Demands “Infinite Content” despite Infeasibility of Big Updates

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Temtem: Swarm

(Image debt: Crema)

Temtem’s Early Access advancement revealed the devs “how much it costs to make an island and new Temtem [creatures], how many people it brings back, and how many it retains,” and with these numbers in mind, the chief executive officer claims “it is not feasible to continue” with updates on this range. But it’s his following case that’s truly provoked up individuals that were wishing for even more Temtem as opposed to an offshoot.

“If you really want [the] Temtem franchise to live on and more games to be made, be it spinoffs or Temtem 2, what you would really ask for is for us to stop improving Temtem 1 and start working on something new. As of now, we are improving Temtem 1 just for you, even if it never seems enough.” 

That is, you might have collected, specifically what these followers really did not intend to listen to. The entire point seems like an instance of clashing assumptions firing up installing irritations, partially rooted in just how the MMO tag is translated, and this bitter pill isn’t going down well for many. “Temtem is still being updated, Temtem is still being improved, but we can’t give you what you want at the pace you want, or exactly what you want (not in this game),” the chief executive officer includes, hammering it home.  

“Temtem has delivered what it promised and a little more. And I understand that you may not like the final result, but you have to understand that it is not feasible to create infinite content or change the foundations of the game itself.” 

In a follow-up feedback – among loads of replies made in the last couple of days – the chief executive officer states: “I know from your comments that all this is not enough for you, but Temtem is a complete game. Of course you can ask for more, both in content and improvements, but what you are asking for is DLC to add 20% more gameplay for free. And if we did that, after finishing the new content in [10 hours], you would ask for other DLC, because it is an online game and you assume that it has to be like that, and it is not viable.” 

TemTem: Swarm trailer

(Image debt: Crema)

As a person that’s tired of people anticipating a lot of games to last permanently, I do see where Crema’s originating from below. Games, and updates for games, expense cash to make. But as a person that’s seen precious games die, I additionally recognize why Temtem devoteds are dismayed, particularly considered that this is all originating from the manufacturer of a self-described MMO. There are additionally historical issues concerning occasions and attributes that have yet to appear, though Crema claims some extremely asked for enhancements and modifications are coming soon-ish. 

The just olive branch I can see also from another location settling several of this agitation would certainly be Crema showing that it’s still dedicated to Temtem as an IP, yet that might not please people that are a lot more purchased the game we have now. 

In an additional feedback, Paños claims: “The franchise could be a living thing for decades or even more. Pokemon has been living for decades for example. [It is] ok to request improvements, but is not ok IMO to make a negative campaign if those improvements can’t be made. If the balance of the game is good for you, with its flaws, I think it is unfair what is being done.” 

I’ve connected to Crema to clarify its prepare for Temtem, both the MMO and the IP itself, and will certainly upgrade if I listen to back. 

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Source: gamesradar.com

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