Initially scheduled for February 4, the opening of Super Nintendo World was canceled following the state of emergency declared by the Japanese government in Osaka Prefecture. The latter being lifted, life will be able to resume its rights and among these, there is the new opening date of this Super Nintendo World that some lucky ones have already been able to discover. It is therefore on March 18th that we will be able to know if this new area of the Universal Studio is frankly worth a detour to Osaka. Because indeed, many people were able to go there and give us a full visit and the first observation is that yes, the Super Nintendo World is not very big. Likewise, aside from the augmented reality Mario Kart rollercoaster, there’s not much to do except soak up the ambiance, eat Mario-themed food, and raid exclusive goodies. We quibble, but of course we will be the first to go when the health crisis is behind us …