Close to half of PlayStation games will be available on PC and mobile by 2025
“PlayStation Studios historically has executed wonderfully in the delivery of a strong portfolio of narrative rich, graphically beautiful single-player games, but it’s certainly the case that we have restricted ourselves to a rather narrow portion of the gaming market,” Ryan says (via VGC (opens in new tab)).
“By expanding to PC and mobile, and it must be said… also to live services, we have the opportunity to move from a situation of being present in a very narrow segment of the overall gaming software market, to being present pretty much everywhere.”
The investor intrigue doesn’t stop there, either. We have also found out that the Horizon Zero Dawn TV show (opens in new tab) is heading to Netflix, while God of War is going to Amazon. For all you peripheral fans, PSVR 2 will have over 20 first and third-party games at launch.
Fancy buying a new Sony console for yourself? PS5 restock updates should happen regularly throughout the year.