It had been several long months that we had no news from Travis Touchdown and for good reason, the last time Grasshopper Manufacture spoke about No More Heroes 3, it was to announce the postponement of the game. months of silence, Suda51 comes out of its silence and it is through Nintendo Direct of February 17, 2021 that we were able to obtain the firm and final date of the game. Note in your diaries, it is August 27 that we can find Travis, who seems to be plagued with aliens. A story even more WTF than the previous ones and which will reconnect with the open world formula. This is also the reason why No More Heroes displays such obsolete graphics, with a technique flush with the daisies. The textures are slobbery, the sets empty, the aliasing ultra present and the animations give the feeling that nothing has changed since the previous episodes. At a glance like that, it is obvious that there was no retouching and we hope that the game will be able to make up for it otherwise. Despite this, it’s hard to hide from you that the € 59.99 requested for this new adventure already gives a bitter taste to the back of your throat.