Nintendo Direct Scheduled for Tuesday — No Switch Successor Announcement Expected

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Nintendo will certainly relay a brand-new Nintendo Direct discussion on Tuesday, June 18, a display concentrated on Switch titles can be found in 2024, the firm claimed in a press release on Monday.

The Nintendo Direct will certainly compete around 40 mins and will certainly begin at 10 a.m. EDT/7 a.m. PDT. The display will certainly stream on Nintendo’s YouTube and Twitch networks. Nintendo toughened up assumptions in its press release: “There will be no mention of the Nintendo Switch successor during this presentation.”

Nintendo just has a number of Switch games with validated launch days currently: Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD and Nintendo World Championships: NESEdition Of training course, the firm might have a couple of shocks in shop. Nintendo still has Metroid Prime 4 on its routine, and it’s reported to be remaining on a handful of remakes and remasters of its past games.

Confirmed not to show up throughout June’s Nintendo Direct is the firm’s following console. In May, Nintendo head of state Shuntaro Furukawa claimed, “We will be holding a Nintendo Direct this June regarding the Nintendo Switch software lineup for the latter half of 2024, but please be aware that there will be no mention of the Nintendo Switch successor during that presentation.” The firm restated that message in Monday’s press release– no console information.

The “Switch 2” is supposedly coming at some time in very early 2025, and we might not listen to main information from Nintendo on that particular next-gen console up until this loss or winter season.


Source: Polygon


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