@bluepointgames Great job with the Demon’s Souls remake.
Can’t wait to play the next Solid game you guys are working on … 😉🤠
– Moore’s Law Is Dead (@mooreslawisdead) November 20, 2020
So, of course, anyone can talk about anything, especially on the Internet. But, in his favor, note an easter-egg in Demon’s Souls – a sound of a strange creature – that many consider to be the sound of Metal Gear Rex. Could this be a clue on the studio’s next game? In addition, note that last September, we already informed you a first hallway noise concerning the remake of Konami’s cult game: YouTuber RedGamingTech claimed, from its own “reliable” sources, that the site was indeed set up.
Can someone tell me what this noise was? #DemonsSouls # PS5 Demon’s Souls PS5 # PS5Share, #DemonsSouls pic.twitter.com/YxYqTpF1wR
– Jared DuBay-Jurado (@jd_jurado) November 16, 2020
Now that could be exciting. Very exciting. Since the hasty departure of Hideo Kojima and the sloppy end of development of Metal Gear Solid V, we can not say that the franchise is doing best with a single episode, the mediocre spin-off Metal Gear Survive, quickly fell into oblivion. . By playing the remake card, Konami could restore its image with fans and the PS5 could clearly gain additional points. Case to be continued.