Just Cause 4 gets its A-Ha moment

One could make the argument that Just Cause games are entirely composed of Easter Eggs, especially if you consider launching cattle into low-earth orbit to be a special treat. But Just Cause 4 has gone a bit above and beyond with this Easter Egg, which features Rico finding himself in a classic ‘80s music video.

While wandering around on one of the upper floors of a partially-constructed tower in Just Cause 4, you’ll suddenly hear a very familiar opening riff – it’s unmistakably Take On Me by Norwegian pop band A-ha. And sure enough, if you wander over to the stairway down, you’ll find that you’ve wandered directly into the legendary music video.

Suddenly, parts of the world are changed to look as though they’re pencil sketches on white paper, just like the world into which the young woman in the music video finds herself beckoned. If you wander over to one side of the room, you’ll find a similarly-dressed woman standing just outside the effect, and – needless to say – she’ll walk over to join you, and begin dancing.

Twitter user @Nitomatta captured the sequence and shared it, so you can watch it in full here. Uh, spoilers, I guess?

If due to extreme youth or other reasons (like a lack of VH1 in your life) you’ve never seen the original video, here you go:

I’m not sure if there’s any connection or message to dig into here, other than that the crew at Avalanche Studios seems to include at least a few ‘80s pop enthusiasts. And I suppose in another life, Rico could easily have been a music video dreamboat.

This isn’t the only over-the-top Easter Egg players have found in Just Cause 4, but it’s slightly less punishing than the homage to Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy. In our Just Cause 4 review, Julian says that while it has its problems and isn’t particularly innovative, it’s also “ridiculously good fun to play.” If nothing else, you have to admit Avalanche has really outdone themselves with these little jokes they’ve included.

Top image credit: RHINO, via YouTube


just cause 4

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