How much blood is on the hands of Michael, Trevor and Franklin?

Such large projects as GTA give an extraordinary scope for imagination – players have been studying the games of the series for years, asking a wide variety of questions. A channel dedicated to various aspects of video games, but recently interested in counting deaths in big titles, is trying to answer one of these.

How much blood is on the hands of Michael, Trevor and Franklin?

The guys calculated that in story missions “five” have to kill at least 726 people… But these are only those sacrifices that are required for the main passage. The experimenters adhered to a number of rules, if possible: avoided skirmishes, limited to fights, completed missions in stealth mode, and also tried various options for passing so as not to fight with “endless” enemies (this is when you have to shoot back until you complete the necessary actions) … In the last mission, when in two of the three options it was possible to get by with just one death instead of total genocide, we had to choose the latter, because this ending is canonical. Outcome:

  • Franklin had to kill 295 people
  • Trevor (surprised that he is not the “champion”?) – 258,
  • Michael is 172,
  • together (in the final cutscene, when the trinity throws the car off the cliff) – 1.

For comparison: in Max Payne 2 – 464 “compulsory” kills, and in its continuation – as much as 1216… Such a difference with the same GTA 5 due to the fact that the developers of the fifth part diversified the gameplay, which has ceased to be reduced to “drive, kill, bring”, but “Max Payne” always been an action movie about killing bad guys.

