GTA 6: The GTA Killer That Couldn’t: Ubisoft Awaits GTA 6, February 10 at 22:20 OPla G2620

GTA 6 is eagerly anticipated not just by fans—the entire industry is keenly interested in the release of this future blockbuster, as openly discussed even by competitors. Concurrently with the Take-Two investors meeting, a similar event took place within the Ubisoft walls, known for their Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry series, among others. CEO Yves Guillemot (who recently faced controversy for telling players to accept that they don’t own the video games they purchase) made among others the following statement:

As we’ve seen, with every major release like GTA, more and more people are returning to gaming, which helps other projects to sell. We are monitoring the situation and are preparing for this release. We believe that it will occur closer to our fiscal year of 2026 than to 2025. And this will be positively reflected in the market. We had great sales and profits when GTA 5 and its ‘Online’ were released.

Indeed, 11 years ago, Watch Dogs was seen as a contender against Grand Theft Auto. In the fall of 2013, it was even advertised with a poster jabbing at GTA 5.

«Two months is enough to visit Los Santos. Move to Chicago on November 21st».

However, the game was delayed to spring, later receiving two sequels, but it failed entirely in its role as a GTA killer. The current words of the CEO sound as though this is not just a bow in the direction of a more successful peer in the industry, but a full admission of the impossibility to compete. Though this may also be a simple appeal to shareholders to wait. As it is known, the French company is currently not experiencing its best times.
