Four-Part Series Detailing the Creation of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

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Inside Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

If you ended up Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and wonder to get more information regarding just how it became, Sony and Square Enix have actually launched a brand-new making-of collection called Inside Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. The four-part collection attributes meetings with thirty of the game’s lead developers, such as supervisor Naoki Hamaguchi, innovative supervisor Tetsuya Nomura, and manufacturer Yoshinori Kitase, that go over just how Square brought Rebirth to life.

Each episode deals with various elements of Rebirth. Episode 1 concentrates on world-building, Episode 2 covers the story/cutscenes, Episode 3 is everything about the personalities and fight, and Episode 4 deals with the English voice stars. Each episode runs in between 15-18 mins. You can enjoy the initial episode listed below.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is out currently for PlayStation 5. Be certain to review our evaluation of the game here, along with practical overviews such as viewing every date at the Gold Saucer, Queen’s Blood tips and tricks, our ranking of every mini-game, and our list of the best side quests to keep an eye out for. 


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