It’s Christmas and during this period, the outbursts of generosity multiply. Proof of this is with the Epic Games Store which continues to distribute gifts by the thousands, like a nice Santa Claus. Because if you missed the boat, we remind you that an end-of-year seduction operation has been launched and which consists of offering one game, AAA if possible, per day for 15 days. So, after Cities Skylines, OddWorld New ‘n’ Tasty and Alien Isolation in recent days, here comes Metro 2033 Redux for Tuesday, December 22, 2020. For the record, we remind you that this is the remake of Metro 2033 released in 2010. New graphics engine, new use of light effects, only gameplay has not been changed. In short, it’s a good game and an FPS with a chilling atmosphere: not to be missed under any circumstances!