Better known in Japan as Kimetsu no Yaiba: Hinokami Keppuutan, the Demon Slayer video game developed by CyberConnect2 has just revealed its very first gameplay video, during a livestream that took place in Japan. If the event was reserved only in Japan (the livestream was region locked), we were nevertheless able to get around the problem and come back with extracts from this fighting game which seems to take the very structure of the Naruto Ninja Storm fighting games. It must be said that this is the same studio at the controls, the famous CyberConnect2, which had taken us off the road with Dragon Ball Z Kakarot last year. But whatever, they are there to make us forget this action-RPG open world a bit failed to return to their know-how. This gameplay video allows us to see that the fights will be in teams of two, with a supporting character, while the clashes will take place in closed arenas around a circular point. Like an air of deja vu? It’s not wrong, but it must be said that the Naruto Ninja Storm formula adapts perfectly to Demon Slayer, knowing that the animations seem even more intense and the pace of play even more frenetic than before. While waiting to learn more, we know that this Demon Slayer offer a Story mode, with the possibility of playing the main hero, the young Tanjiro.
As a reminder, Demon Slayer is 120 million manga sold in Japan alone, the biggest success of 2019 and 2020, while the animated film has become the biggest success at the Japanese box office, since it has managed to dethrone Spirited Away by Hayao Miyazaki, installed since 2001. In December 2020, sales around the franchise would have generated at least 270 billion yen ($ 2.6 billion) in profits in Japan.