Crossout Movie-Brunch. Soar Up

Hey Survivors! 

Christmas is here, New Year is coming, and Santa is flying over the world with his special delivery… Wait. What is that? In the sky! Is it a plane? Or Santa? 

Nope. This is the wing of survivors flying to the zone of the “Off We Go” brawl! 

Seems like it’s time to check out how they deal with it from the videos.


Starting with “Pyre” and how did JBRider use it on the battlefield

It also could be drones! Just check out this video by HUNGER G4MER

And if you miss some information here is the new features review by TheSaltyRedneck

And that’s all! 

Don’t forget to support your favorite videos with likes and we wish you all the best!  Don’t be afraid to make videos and maybe you will be a part of the one the future “Movie-Bruch”. 

See you next year!

