Call of Duty Warzone: soon a PS5 / Xbox Series X patch to improve the game, it’s official

Call of Duty Warzone: soon a PS5 / Xbox Series X patch to improve the game, it's official

Planned to last a long time, Call of Duty Warzone is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and will evolve over the course of the annual Call of Duty games: if the game is playable on PS5 and Xbox Series S | X thanks to backward compatibility, it unfortunately does not take advantage of the features of the new consoles from Sony and Microsoft, to the chagrin of its thousands of players. May they be reassured, Raven Software has just formalized the development of a patch to upgrade the popular FPS to next-gen consoles.

Thus, on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, Call of Duty Warzone will rely on the SSD for drastically reduced loading times; the title can even run up to 120 images per second for owners of compatible screens. A functionality to change the field of vision is also present : alas, no feature concerning the adaptive triggers or the haptic vibrations of the DualSense was mentioned, this being more of a real PS5 version than an optimized PS4 version. For the moment, no release date has been communicated but it will not be long: we will therefore be patient and continue to chain the frags while waiting for more news.


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