Blood Bowl 3: Introducing Chaos Forsaken and Old World Alliance Teams

Blood Bowl 3: Introducing Chaos Forsaken and Old World Alliance Teams

Still in development at Cyanide Studios, Blood Bowl 3 has just kicked off the third phase of its beta with the launch of the Warhammer Skulls Festival. It will last 10 days, until June 12 and will allow you to get to know two new teams, the Chaos Renegades and the Old World Alliance. To go into the details, the developers have planned a video in which Gautier Bresard, project manager on Blood Bowl 3, presents their characteristics, but also their liabilities in the series. For almost 5 minutes, we learn how these teams were formed, since the Chaos Renegades also mix Human, Orcs, Skaven, Dark Elves, Trolls, Ogres and even Minotaurs. The difficulty was therefore to find a balance and also a coherence to make it a unit and a team in its own right. The Old World Alliance team is also the result of an unlikely alliance between Ogres, Treemen, Halflings and Dwarves, which will not help things in terms of team cohesion. Everything is detailed, right down to the presentation of the pitches of each team, which are also distinguished by their specific properties. The release of Blood Bowl 3 is expected for 2022, but still without further details.


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