Anchor Point Studios for NetEase Games Launched by Previous Developers of Halo as well as Control

former halo control developer opens new studio anchor point studios NetEase

Paul Ehreth, a previous Halo as well as Control designer, has actually opened up Anchor Point Studios, a brand-new workshop within NetEase Games. 

The group is intending to produce “immersive and engaging action-adventure games that offer social and multiplayer experiences,” according to a news release. Ehreth, that has greater than twenty years of experience as a game supervisor as well as developer on console as well as computer games, is signed up with by a group of sector experts with experience from Ghost of Tsushima, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Division, as well as extra. 


“We’re so excited to officially drop our anchor in Barcelona, the hometown of my great-grandparents, and start building a strong team for our journey of exploration together with NetEase Games,” Ehreth writes in the press release. “Our studio’s motto is ‘Per Aspera, Ad Astra’ (‘through hardships, to the stars’) because we want to build an adventure that will stay fresh and provide a unique experience that will surprise and delight people each time they play, and I want us to acknowledge the challenges we are setting out to face. We’re grateful to NetEase Games for giving us the creative freedom and resources to build this interconnected world that will expand beyond games and reach into other mediums as well.” 

Anchor Point Studios intends to create action-adventure games for console as well as computer that “push the boundaries of entertainment and bring elements of surprise into the gameplay.”


The workshop is based in Barcelona, Spain, however the group will certainly be working with approximately 100 staff members throughout Europe as well as North America, “seeking developers, technical artists, and designers to work in its offices, remotely, or in a hybrid capacity.” 

There’s no word on when we can anticipate to see or become aware of the workshop’s very first game. 


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