What was still a rumor a few hours ago has just been confirmed through a statement that could not be more official: Yuji Naka, known to be one of the creators of Sonic and Nights, confirms his Square Enix leaves after the failure of its latest game: Balan Wonderworld. It must be said that the game had not been spared, nor by the press (36% average at Metacritic), nor by the players (4.9 / 10). It must be said that his game was stuck in the 90s with outdated gameplay and a completely outdated staging, as if the game designer had not seen the video game evolve in the past 20 years. In his tweet, Yuji Naka confesses that he is considering retiring from video games and retiring, he who blew his 55 springs recently. According to his Facebook page, Yuji Naka left his post at Square Enix on April 30, but the announcement has only been official for a few hours …
メ デ ィ ア の 方 や ユ ー ザ ー さ ん に お 問 い 合 わ せ 頂 く の で 2021 年 4 月末 で ス ク エ ニ を 退職 い た し ま し た. 理由 は 今 は お 話 出来 ま せ ん が, 時 が 来 れ ば お 話 出来 れ ば と 思 い ま す. 今後 の 活動 に つ い て は、 も う 55 歳 な の で 引退 も あ り か も 知 れ ま せ ん ね。 写真 は セ ガ ハ ー ド ヒ ス ト リ ア の 取材 で 撮 っ て 頂 い た 写真 に な り ま す す pic.twitter.com/YgFT0eq2Jk
– Yuji Naka / 中 裕 司 (@nakayuji) June 5, 2021