Все опасения насчёт Dragon Age Veilguard подтверждаются тестировщикомИгра супер ..

All concerns about Dragon Age Veilguard are confirmed by a tester

The game is super “woke”;
A Qunari companion literally uses modern language and says: “I identify as non-binary”;
As of 2023, if you chose the pronouns “he/she” in the game, you only had two romance options — Niv and Harding. If you chose to be a pansexual non-binary character, you had significantly more options. The tester claims this may have changed due to the success and influence of BG3;
Solus has been greatly altered. He becomes a secondary character with little importance or development until the end of the game when he suddenly gains significance, and the ending is “puzzling,” not in a good way;
Facial animations in the game remain in the style of Andromeda;
The Inquisitor and the Inquisition are compromised and may end up being useless, even if you didn’t disband them. Choices don’t matter “It’s Mass Effect 3 all over again”;
According to the tester, “the game is so far removed from Origins, it’s insane that it’s in the same universe”;
At the end of the interview, the tester said that “THIS IS THE END OF BIOWARE.”

No longer anticipating it, not even on torrents.


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