Unreal Engine 5: one year after the famous demo, Epic Games announces a second one … for tomorrow!

Unreal Engine 5: one year after the famous demo, Epic Games announces a second one ... for tomorrow!

A year ago, in May 2020, at the dawn of the highlight of the next-gen consoles, Epic Games made a total buzz by unveiling the very first demo Unreal Engine 5. Magnificent minutes of “fully playable” gameplay running on PS5 that had caused both excitement and debate: we remember them well and, just in case, you can refresh your memory by clicking on the video below.

In short, as you can probably imagine, the new engine of the firm of Tim Sweeney will be particularly exploited during this ninth generation of machines: thus, the company announces thata second demonstration will be published tomorrow, Wednesday April 26, at 4 p.m. on Youtube. We do not yet know what it will be about, or even if a portion of a fictional game has been designed for the occasion in such a way as to amaze us as was the case a year ago: Chance Ivey, Senior Technical Designer and Galen davis, Producer / Evangelist for Quixel Megascans, will animate this new video in any case. The appointment is made, and we will be there without fail.


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