The Magnificent Water in Counter-Strike 2 Strikes Again

Counter-Strike 2 Ancient water
(Image credit score: Valve / YouTube by means of Virre CSGO)

Counter-Strike 2 is being commended once more for its gorgeous-looking water, and also I can see why. 

Just last month we were amazed to discover that Counter-Strike 2 has some of the best water ever seen in a game, and also currently, virtually 3 weeks later on, I can validate that this is still the situation which it isn’t restricted to simply drain water. Let me discuss. Twitter individual skilful has actually shared a video clip of what appears like Counter-Strike 2’s Ancientmap, especially a location where gamers require to go through relatively deep overload water. 

Despite possibly existing stationary for a very long time currently, programmer Valve has once more made the water on this map appearance definitely sensational. We’re not the just one that believe so, either. Just inspect the respond to Twitter individual ParametricPalta, that estimate retweeted the initial video clip, stating: “Valve devs casually dropping the most insane graphics tech every 5+ years without even making it the main thing about their games.”

Other Counter-Strike 2 gamers have actually seen this as a possible issue, like Twitter individual kenyou_digit, that responded to the above tweet with: “My CPU seeing this,” in addition to a clip of Kiryu from Yakuza 2 knocking his hand on a workdesk and also storming out the area, which really feels ideal. If your computer is up for the job however, you remain in for a reward when playing the Ancient map in Counter-Strike 2. And besides, you can possibly constantly crank the setups down if your CPU is really battling. 

The variation of the game you’re seeing over originates from the Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test, which has actually been continuous because March. Valve has actually assured gamers that the complete game is readied to launch in “summer 2023,” and also because we’re currently in August, it’s reached be ideal around the bend. At the moment of creating, there’s no company launch day yet. 

While we wait to listen to even more concerning Counter-Strike 2, figure out what else you must be having fun with our best shooter games checklist. 



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