Impossible to dissociate the synesthesia of Tetsuya Mizuguchi, the one to whom we owe Tetris Effect, Rez, Lumines, or even Child of Eden. Today, we learn that he is preparing another sensory experience of the same barrel. Indeed, the guy, while recalling that Rez has just celebrated his 19th birthday – the game was released in 2001 in Japan on PS2 and Dreamcast – indicates that he and the teams of Enhance Games are at work on their next project . No detail has filtered out of course, but given the talent of Mizuguchi-san, we can largely be serene.
While waiting to learn more on the subject, we advise you to take a look at our Tetris Effect Connected test (Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PC), just to remember that this version does without virtual reality to better focus on multiplayer.
Yup. Today is Rez’s anniversary😎 Was released on Nov 22, 2001.
Thanks to everyone who played Rez, Child of Eden and Rez Infinite. I and @enhance_exp is moving forward to the new project – totally new adventure with synesthesia.
Thanks for the cool GIF @turfmasta 👍🏻
– Tetsuya Mizuguchi (@Mizuguchitter) November 22, 2020