Telling Lies developer is teasing his subsequent game Project Ambrosio

The subsequent game from the director of the video watching ’em ups Telling Lies and Her Story is teasing his subsequent game however, ah, a number of particulars are lacking. Or redacted, moderately. Sam Barlow’s subsequent narrative factor has emerged with a retailer web page filled with blacked-out textual content, together with it’s title. It didn’t take of us to dig up that half, at the very least. Its title (or at the very least code title) is Project Ambrosio and might be out in, properly, this millennium.

Designer and director Sam Barlow introduced the brand new challenge at this time on the fifth anniversary of Her Story’s launch. He’s actually gone all out on the secrecy for this one, redacting even the title to “Project A███████”. Some of us have already noticed the total title, if that’s its actual title, that’s. You can discover it listed as “Project Ambrosio” on SteamDB.

Aside from that although, there are valuable few phrases to really go on. The fast description mentions “cinema [and?] death.” The longer abstract is damaged down into the years 1968, 1971, 1999, and 2022. There are solely seven different phrases uncovered: Gothic, NYC, pop star, Barlow, custodian, and concordance.

There are three movies and some pictures on the web page as properly: a closeup of a shifting snake, one thing burning in a fireplace, and one pair of legs protruding of water like a synchronized swimming routine. Oh, and there’s the mature content material description: “Adult themes including some sex and violence.” Whelp, that’s all there’s for now.

We don’t know what the heck Project Ambrosio is but, however the RPS crew have fairly preferred Barlow’s previous games. Adam Smith’s Her story review mentioned “as well as being a superb detective game, Her Story might be the best FMV game ever made.” Four years later, Alice Bee mentioned in her Telling Lies review that “Telling Lies feels very much like Her Story 2, in the sense that a sequel is like the previous entry in a series but more: bigger, better, faster, stronger.”

Project Ambrosio is deliberate to launch in “2███” in line with its Steam page so your guess is nearly as good as mine. See ya by at the very least 2999.


Half Mermaid, Project Ambrosio, Sam Barlow

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