
PlayStation “Is In a Good Position to Buy WB Games,” Says Analyst

Last month, Microsoft introduced the acquisition of Bethesda mum or dad firm ZeniMax Media in an enormous $7.5 billion money deal. Since the information broke, many have been questioning: how will Sony reply? In different phrases, will Sony reply with…
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Injustice Co-Creator Ed Boon Comments on Injustice 3

Mortal Kombat and Injustice co-creator Ed Boon shared a touch upon Injustice 3 throughout a DC FanDome panel on Saturday, however it wasn’t one which confirmed the existence of the game or introduced it for a next-gen launch. Boon spoke…
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Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Reportedly No Longer for Sale

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment is reportedly not on the market, which implies the gaming rights to IP like Batman, Mortal Kombat, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Suicide Squad, and LEGOa are staying with the gaming division of AT&T, in addition…
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