Read Dead: Bonuses in RDO for Environmental Responsibility

The listed bonuses and discounts in Red Dead Online are active until July 30.

Profitable Activities

Collecting samples for Harriet Davenport and participating in free roam events like “Protect Legendary Animal,” “Tagging Wild Animals,” and “Wildlife Photographer” award triple (3x) RDO$ and experience points.

Naturalist in Red Dead Online.

RDO$ and experience points awarded for clearing gang hideouts are tripled (3x XP).

Ability cards provide triple (3x) experience points during free roam events.

Telegram missions offer double (2x) gold, RDO$, and experience points.

Double (2x) RDO$ and experience points for selected series:

  • July 2 – 9 — Hardcore mode “Most Wanted”,
  • July 9 – 16 — Hardcore series “Loot and Spoils”,
  • July 16 – 23 — Hardcore series “Occupation”,
  • July 23 – 30 — “Team Gun Rush”.

Frame from the Featured Series.

Pleasant Extras

The following items can be collected for free from the tailor or catalog:

  • feathered hat,
  • “Farthing” jacket,
  • collared overshirt (for men) or “Western” blouse (for women),
  • “Mighthill” pants,
  • worn half chaps,
  • worn cowboy boots.

Free outfit by JillyBeany.

Limited-time sale items include a red, white, and blue patterned bandana, “Covington” hat, laced pants, “Ortega” vest, and “Woodland” gloves.

This month, there are numerous gifts for various actions:

  • 30 sedative cartridges, 3 blending tonics, and potent predator bait — for logging into the game;
  • town treasure map — for completing an animal tracking assignment;
  • blue “Ov’anjila” hat — for participating in one round of “Wildlife Photographer” event;
  • red “Eberhart” coat — for completing daily challenges 5 days in a row;
  • 50% discount on improved camera — for crafting any item at the campfire in camp.

In celebration of Independence Day, everyone receives the “Rebellion” poncho until July 9.

Weekly rewards for collecting samples for Harriet Davenport:

  • July 2 – 9 — white “Strickland” boots,
  • July 9 – 16 — 50% discount on a tent,
  • July 16 – 23 — 50% discount on a large campfire,
  • July 23 – 30 — white “Carver” pants.

Rewards for this month.


  • Sample collection kit — 5 gold bars,
  • footwear — 50% off,
  • guard dogs — 40% off,
  • Creole horses — 40% off,
  • Gypsy Cobs — 40% off,
  • “Varmint” rifles — 40% off,
  • revolvers — 40% off,
  • clothing in Gus’ store — 30% off,
  • revolver modifications — 30% off,
  • ammunition pamphlets — 30% off,
  • bandoliers and off-hand holsters — 30% off,
  • emotes — 30% off,
  • charms — 30% off.
