PlayStation Plus Subscribers Divided Over May 2021’s Free Games

May 2021’s free PlayStation Plus games were revealed this morning by Sony. For the month of May, Sony is adding to Oddworld: Soulstorm with two PS4 games and one PS5 game. Starting on May 4, PS Plus subscribers on PS4 and PS5 will have a grand total of four games to download, but according to some subscribers, none of these games are worth downloading.

In 2021, PlayStation Plus has been knocking it out of the park with each month’s offering. Between games like Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Control, PlayStation Plus subscribers have had zero reasons to complain for months. However, May’s lineup doesn’t quite live up to the standard set in 2021, and thus Sony is hearing it from fans.

While each of the three games have experienced commercial success, collectively their Metacritic score, which averages out in the 70s, isn’t that impressive. Wreckfest performed well critically and commercially, but as you may remember Battlefield V was quite divisive. Meanwhile, Stranded Deep is quite popular on PC, but its console port has some issues, or at least it did at launch.

While many PlayStation Plus subscribers are happy with the lineup — which includes Battlefield V and sleeper hits Stranded Deep and Wreckfest — many others are less impressed. In the comments section to the tweet announcing the lineup, PlayStation fans are more or less split right down the middle.

Two Bad Months in a Row

Disappointing Lineup

The Streak Is Over

Where Is MLB The Show 21?

The Rumors Were Better

Better Than Games With Gold

Wreckfest Big W

Decent Games

Right in Time for Battlefield 6 Hype

Don’t Listen to the Complainers


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