After a frankly promising opus and a second which exploited the formula even better, we can say that the Nioh saga is comfortably installed in the video game landscape. His opponents? The games from FromSoftware of course, which it bravely stands up to: while waiting for the release of a probable third episode, Sony is adding a layer by announcing Nioh Collction Remastered, a compilation of two chapters which will be released exclusively on PS5.
On the program, 4K and a framerate of up to 120FPS for owners of compatible screens: a cross-save system will also be set up to continue the game started on PlayStation 4. While waiting to know if Team Ninja has also retouched its 3D models or other technical elements, know that this Collection will be released on February 5, 2021 and that it will, moreover, be possible to buy the two games that make it up separately. Isn’t life beautiful?