New Sonic Youth Rarities Album In/Out/In Announced

Listen to “In & Out” from the collection, which features unheard material recorded between 2000 and 2010

Sonic Youth in 2000
Sonic Youth, 2000 (Giotas)

A new album of Sonic Youth rarities has been announced. In/Out/In compiles unreleased material recorded between 2000 and 2010. The five-song collection will be released on LP, CD, and cassette on March 18. Today, the record’s “In & Out” has been released. Hear it below and scroll down for the tracklist. Plus, find the album artwork, made by D. Norsen.

The songs of In/Out/In were recorded in a number of different locations throughout the early 2000s. “Basement Contender” and “Machine” were laid down in Sonic Youth’s rehearsal room in Northampton, Massachusetts, during sessions for The Eternal; “In & Out” was recorded in Pomona, California and Echo Canyon, New Jersey; and “Out & In” was recorded in Echo Canyon with Jim O’Rourke, who also played on “Social Static.” In/Out/In was mastered by Carl Saff last year.

Revisit “Unconventional Idol: Kim Gordon’s Girl in a Band” over on the Pitch.

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01 Basement Contender
02 In & Out
03 Machine
04 Social Static
05 Out & In

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