Monster Hunter World: Iceborne might delete your PC save information

The new Iceborne enlargement for Monster Hunter: World launched on PC yesterday. For gamers who’re working the brand new marketing campaign with out difficulty, RPS’ Iceborne review calls it one of many “bestest bests.” For others, save file points and efficiency issues may make for a frigid first expertise. Make certain to again up your MH:W save information as a result of there’s an opportunity Iceborne or the simultaneous game replace might delete them.

As noticed by VG24/7, some gamers who jumped in to the brand new Iceborne enlargement have seen a message once they load in saying that “no compatible save was found.” If you permit it, gamers are reporting that MH:W will begin a brand new save file, instantly changing and deleting your previous knowledge, together with your Steam Cloud save.

There are threads associated to the difficulty on Reddit and Steam nevertheless it’s troublesome to say simply what number of gamers are affected. One factor is for certain, if MH:W notifies you that you just don’t have a appropriate save file, decline to create a brand new one. You nonetheless could possibly manually again up your information. You can discover your save knowledge in:

Program Files (x86)Steamuserdata[Your Steam ID]582010distant

As a word to these with a number of drives: I discovered my save file knowledge positioned within the Steam folder on my C drive the place Steam is put in, not the bigger drive the place my games are put in.

The official Monster Hunter account on Twitter has acknowledged efficiency points, however has not talked about save file loss, so the precise trigger continues to be unknown. Capcom have reportedly advised Polygon that they’re “aware and are looking into the issue.”

Some gamers have theorized that the save file losses are attributable to a earlier replace to MH:W’s save file format. If you haven’t performed World in a while, leaping straight to Iceborne, which doesn’t acknowledge the previous save format, may trigger maintain the game from recognizing your save knowledge. One approach you could possibly keep away from the difficulty is by beginning up MH:W with out Iceborne put in, forcing the game to transform your save file, earlier than leaping into the enlargement.

If you don’t have the Iceborne enlargement but, you’ll find it on Steam for £35/€40/$40. If you’ve already begun Iceborne and are having hassle with its monsters moderately than its efficiency, try our guides for defeating the Banbaro, Barioth, and all the opposite icy creatures.


capcom, dlc, Monster Hunter World

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