Monster Hunter Rise: version 2.0 arrives in a few hours on Switch, here is its content

Monster Hunter Rise: version 2.0 arrives in a few hours on Switch, here is its content

The followers of Monster Hunter Rise inevitably took a look at the Capcom Digital Event which, as we recall, took place this afternoon. The opportunity for the Japanese publisher to announce that the first free update of the game will be available in the next few hours (April 28). In addition to introducing a whole bunch of fixes, the patch will mainly mark the arrival of new creatures, including the Kushala Daora, the Teostra, the Chameleos, the Superior Diablos and the Superior Rathalos. “Following this update, the Superior monsters already available will be able to be faced outside of the Calamity-type quests., is it specified in the press release. The Magnamalo will join the Calamity quests.

This is not all, since it is indicated that it will be possible to forge special armor and that the maximum hunter rank will be unlocked under certain conditions. New events will also be added, and players will be able to loop them offline once they download them. Capcom still has to think about filling its pockets, we are told that paid content will be deployed on the eShop for fans of customization (new voice options, sticker sets, emotes, special armor for companions among others) .

Finally, note that version 3.0 of Monster Hunter Rise is scheduled for the end of May. In addition to offering new monsters, it will be the opportunity to discover a quest taking place after the end of the game.


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