Life is Strange: True Colors, remastered collection coming to Nintendo Switch

life is strange Nintendo Direct E3 2021

Image: Nintendo

Life is Strange: True Colors and Life is Strange Remastered Collection will both come to the Nintendo Switch, Nintendo announced during its E3 presentation Tuesday. True Colors will launch on its release day, Sept. 10, while the Remastered Collection will be added later this year — no exact date was mentioned.

The quick trailer during the Nintendo Direct included a very cute, cartoon-styled clip of Life is Strange’s Chloe and Max riding on a train alongside True Colors new character, Alex Chen.

Developer Deck Nine gave players a closer look at Alex during Square Enix’s own E3 show; unlike Max, she can’t rewind time, but she has her very own power. She’s got powers of empathy that allow her to actually feel what others are feeling. These powers are essential in Alex’s understanding of her new home, seeking out information about her brother who’s since died.

Life is Strange: True Colors, at its core, is about empathy,” Felice Kuan, True Colors senior staff writer, told Polygon earlier this week. “We were interested in the way that narrative games are kind of empathy engines, because you are literally embodying the experience of another character. We wanted to take that concept even further and make that the premise of the game — and, in fact, give the player a chance to embody a character who then herself embodies the lived experiences of other characters in the game.”

True Colors is also coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. The Life is Strange Remastered Collection, which stars Max and Chloe, is a compilation of the different episodes from the original title, as well as Life is Strange: Before the Storm. It’ll be released in September.



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