Horizon 3: the sequel to Forbidden West already in the pipes? The developer’s response

Horizon 3: the sequel to Forbidden West already in the pipes?  The developer's response

Available since February 18 on PS4 and PS5, Horizon 2: Forbidden West has clearly been a critical success. Impressive visually, the game has above all been able to correct the flaws of its predecessor, particularly with regard to the combat system and the exploration phases. Waiting to know if he will do as well as the 20 million copies sold displayed by Zero Dawn, it looks like Guerrilla Games already has a clear idea of ​​where a possible Horizon 3 might go – which to many fans seems like a no-brainer after the final outcome of Horizon 2: Forbidden West. In any case, this is what makes it clear Mathijs de Jonge, the director of the title, to our colleagues from VG247 in a recent interview.

Horizon is a series that relies primarily on mysterieshe explains. Each of our stories is based on the discovery of mysteries concerning both the ancient world and the time in which the game takes place. There are still a whole bunch of elements that we could use in order to develop new stories and new mysteries around those that we have already posed. Indeed, the game ends on a huge cliffhanger which already allows to set up certain things for the next episode.

Moreover, Guerrilla Games had already done the same for Horizon: Zero Dawn. “There is a conclusion to the story of the first episode, but Aloy fails to solve all the problems present in the scenarioemphasizes Mathijs de Jonge. The terraforming system is always in need of repair, and that’s where Forbbiden West starts. We knew it was necessary for the game to take place in a new place, especially since we allude to the forbidden West in Zero Dawn. It’s a name that evokes both mystery and danger, which is why we only wanted to explore it. And then, we wanted to continue to draw on the elements specific to the old world. There was still a lot of work to do, knowing that we also had to know how Aloy’s arc was going to evolve.

We don’t know about you, but a Horizon 3 on PS5, we sign right away. For the record, our Horizon 2: Forbidden West test is located at this address.


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