Fortnite: Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Taskmaster arrive in the game

Fortnite: Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Taskmaster arrive in the game

Definitely not a single week goes by without Fortnite standing out. While Epic Games has just launched the “Snowfall” event which runs until January 5, we learn of the arrival of new skins for the game phenomenon. On the program, three well-known characters from the Marvel universe enter the game, namely Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Taskmaster who are already available at the time when these signs are aligned. We will note all the same that it is T’Challah who is put forward to the detriment of the others, who bow rather to him, the King of Wakanda. Of course, fans will see a tribute to actor Chadewick Boseman who died in late August from colon cancer. He was 43 years old.

Obviously, the Fortnite community did not wait for the sunrise to get upset with these brand new skins, since many videos have already been posted on YouTube, including a complete overview of each of their dances.


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