FKA twigs Directs and Stars in Short Film Soundtracked by X-Ray Spex: Watch

Playscape was made in collaboration with the Noguchi Foundation Museum and the Avant Garden Collective

FKA twigs in Playscape

FKA twigs in Playscape (dir. FKA twigs)

FKA twigs has directed a new short film called Playscape in celebration of the 2022 International Woolmark Prize, which awards achievement in fashion. The film takes place among the works of sculptor Isamu Noguchi at the Noguchi Foundation Museum. It stars twigs as well as a group of dancers. After “He Hu” by Duval Timothy and Rosie Lowe soundtracks the introduction, the bulk of the film shows twigs & co. dancing to the X-Ray Spex classic “Identity.” Watch it all happen below.

“It is an honour to be chosen by the Woolmark Prize to work with such talented designers and to
create my first piece of work with Juliano Nunes, innovator of dance for the Avant Garden
collective,” twigs said. 

FKA twigs’ new mixtape Caprisongs was released earlier this year. Revisit Pitchfork’s Cover Story “The Sacred and Profane Genius of FKA twigs,” and read the Sunday Review of X-Ray Spex’s Germfree Adolescents.

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