Европарламент одобрил закон о жёстком регулировании ИИ — в том числе, запрете ра..

The European Parliament has approved legislation for strict regulation of AI, including banning facial recognition in public spaces

The law introduces a grading system for artificial intelligence based on three risk categories: low, high, and unacceptable.

No regulation will be applied to the first category, while the second one (which includes autonomous vehicles, smart medical devices, etc.) would require compliance with certain requirements. The third category will be banned within the European Union.

Banned activities include facial recognition in public places, emotion recognition in educational institutions, predicting the likelihood of crimes, and using AI in resume processing.

AI device and software developers will have to undergo compliance checks under the law, and all content created by AI must carry appropriate marking.

According to the plan, the law is slated to be approved by the EU Council in May 2024. After that, EU countries will have 12 months to apply the rules to “general AI” and 36 months for high-risk developments.

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