Это что, шоу Трумана? Для хикканов сделали однопользовательскую ММОErenshor выгл..

Is this the Truman Show? A single-player MMO made for hikikomori

Erenshor looks like WoW, but with a twist — the only real person in it is the player themselves. Everyone else is an NPC, who act like real people: farming for leveling up, asking for help, remembering the player’s actions, and even inviting them on raids.

The developers came up with Erenshor because they were tired of the toxicity in real MMOs. The project literally serves as an alternative for those who like the format but dislike other players.

Erenshor has a 12-hour demo, which you can test here: store.steampowered.com/app/2382520


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