Enjoy nine minutes of System Shock gameplay

I don’t know why Polygon ranks higher on the “gets to play System Shock” list than me—I mean, us—but that’s how it’s somehow worked out. And at least they were good enough to film nearly nine minutes of rebooted gameplay, so we can watch over their shoulders to see what’s happening.

I don’t want to offer too much in the way of opinion, because honestly, I was all-in on this one from the moment the words “System Shock remake” bounced off my eardrums. But I do like what I see, even in this early, pre-Kickstarter state, and I’m tremendously excited about the prospect of playing System Shock on a current-day PC without having to horse around with emulators and wonky, out-of-date control schemes. It may not be the original Shock—developer Night Dive Studios said last week that it’s a “full-fledged reboot… into something new”—but it sure looks the part. 

The System Shock Kickstarter is set to go live tomorrow, and will include a playable demo. Until then, you can find out more at systemshock.com.


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