Dead Space Remake: comparative images 2008 vs 2023

Dead Space Remake: comparative images 2008 vs 2023

In addition to the myriad of “work in progress” videos for Dead Space Remake that Motives Studios shared during its livestream yesterday, Electronic Arts was keen to come back to the game in a more official way. A press release loaded with information and intervention from the developers, artworks, screenshots and even comparative images between the Dead Space of 2008 and the remake which will arrive in 2023. The idea behind all this is to reassure players who aren’t very excited about what Motives Studios is showing us, since it’s a pre-alpha build. It is the risk of wanting to communicate in such a transparent way, that is to say not to interest the general public, which will take the current rendering for a final product at face value. Electronic Arts takes risks and tries to reassure with these new shots.

Dead Space Remake

Dead Space Remake

The publisher specifies in its CP that this remake of Dead Space has been redesigned with the Frostbite game engine developed by DICE Game, knowing that everything has been reviewed and corrected. We realize this with these few comparisons which prove that the 3D models have been reworked as a whole. “Developing this remake has been a lot of fun for us at Motive, as we are true fans of the franchise and want to treat the game with the respect it deserves. And it’s just as exciting to see the reactions from players so that we take them on the adventure of development with us” said Philippe Ducharme, Lead Producer of Dead Space. “We’ve worked hard to reach the alpha stage and are happy to announce that the game will be released in January next year. We can’t wait for players, old and new alike, to see how the original gameplay experience has been enhanced to be equally impactful for this generation.”

Dead Space Remake

Electronic Arts also promises that enhancements like volumetric dynamic lighting with atmospheric and environmental visual effects rendered in Full-HDR, deliver a level of immersion never before seen in the franchise. To see the final result, you will have to wait until January 27, 2023 on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series.

Dead Space Remake

Dead Space Remake

Dead Space Remake

Dead Space Remake

Dead Space Remake


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