Assassin’s Creed Odyssey finally lets you disable level scaling – mostly

I generally liked Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, but there’s one issue that kept dragging me out of the game: level scaling. Enemies would constantly scale alongside you in an effort to keep things challenging – but that really just meant you never got any stronger relative to your foes. In the next update, Ubisoft is finally letting you reduce how much enemies scale with you.

After the January 10 update, you’ll have a variety of options for how to handle level scaling. Normal will keep things as they are, while heavy will ensure there isn’t a single foe less powerful than you. The options you’ll actually want are light and very light, which ensure that lower-level enemies won’t get closer than two or four levels below you, respectively.

The latest round of Odyssey updates also includes some new content in the form of two new Lost Tales of Greece – the free add-on story missions that Ubisoft keeps bringing to ancient Greece. Daughter of Lalaia has you going Seven Samurai to help a village defend itself from invasion, while Poet’s Legacy will get you entwined in the antics of particularly salacious poet. You’ve also got a new Cyclops to challenge named Arges.

Smaller additions to the game include new tiers of mercenaries to battle, and Hephaistos’s Workshop – a new vendor you can can head toward to get especially fancy engraving upgrades.

In addition to the free stuff, this also marks the launch of Episode 2 of The Legacy of the First Blade DLC – but if you’ve bought in on the expansions, you probably already know that.

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You can find much more detail on the new additions via the official site. Even accounting for some frustrations, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was one of our GOTY 2018 picks. All these updates just seem to be making the game better, and a whole bunch of extra content certainly doesn’t hurt, either.


Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, рпг

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