Aqua Teen Hunger Force returns in an all-new series of web shorts, Aqua Donk Side Pieces

More than seven years after winding down Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Adult Swim has brought them back from the dead. On Monday it released the first episode of a brand-new web series featuring Frylock, Master Shake, Meatwad, and their eternally-suffering neighbor Carl.

The series, titled Aquadonk Side Pieces, will include 10 one-shot shorts featuring several classic characters from the original series as they get wrapped up in a slew of non-sequitur misadventures. The first three-minute episode, titled “The Return of Handbanana,” features the gang attempting to save Carl from the clutches of Handbanana, the evil genetically engineered dog/hand hybrid first introduced in the fifth episode of the fourth season of the original series.

It’s not clear when these episodes take place respective to the original Aqua Teen Hunger Force timeline — which, I warn you, was only moderately coherent at best. The series as a whole has always played fast and loose with its own continuity, but regardless: it’s a welcomed pleasure to see these particular weirdos back together again after so long, in spite of the obvious horrifying circumstances.

The surreal adult animated comedy Aqua Teen Hunger Force first premiered on Adult Swim in 2000 and aired for over 11 seasons, undergoing five subsequent rebrandings before concluding with the episode “The Greatest Story Ever Told” in 2015. Adult Swim announced last year that the network would be producing a new feature-length Aqua Teen Hunger Force film, the second since 2007’s Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters, in addition to feature-length movies for The Venture Bros. and Metalocalypse.

Adult Swim will release a new episode of Aquadonk Side Pieces every day from today until April 17 via the network’s official YouTube channel, with each episode premiering at 12:00 p.m. EDT. The as-yet untitled Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie sequel is slated to release sometime this summer.



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