Abandoned: Real Time Experience released on PS5, giga troll or developer scam?

Abandoned: Real Time Experience released on PS5, giga troll or developer scam?

Are we witnessing the biggest scam in video game history? Three days after raising the hype on social networks, then announcing technical concerns in the wake, Blue Box Game Studios has become the laughing stock of the Internet in just a few minutes. It must be said that the Dutch developers have been playing with fire since their game was announced exclusively on PS5 last April. Multiple references with Silent Hill, affiliate links with Hideo Kojima, clues scattered here and there, everything seemed to be working for the studio founded by a certain Hasan Kahraman. That was before the PS5 app “Real Time Experience” was finally released on the PlayStation Store, to reveal the very first gameplay trailer. And what a disillusion … What a cold shower once we launched the first video made available by the developers …

Indeed, it is neither more nor less than the same video that the studio had posted three days earlier to raise the sauce, where we see a man, tight plan on his legs, walking on a parquet floor. shining in a dismal atmosphere. The same video, so short, with just one more music, that of “I Sawn Stars “ of the group Deep Sounds (we claimed the music on our YouTube channel), not the music “Betrayal “from the soundtrack of Silent Hill 2. Worse, at the end of the video, after an artistic blur, we discover a message to tell us to come back later and that the demo will be available soon. Enough to understand nothing and drive us crazy …

Is this a gigantic troll from Blue Box that has suddenly gone very quiet, or is it just one of the biggest teasing scams of recent years? Everything suggests that this is the second option … Because q
hen even the most hardcore fans still try to believe that this is Kojima’s business that keeps playing on gamers’ nerves (some imagine that the walking man in question is none other than James Sunderland, the hero of Silent Hill 2 since he wears the same jacket), it must be admitted that the studio has a dirty reputation behind him which proves that the authors are not at their first scam, especially since since When the application was put online, the studio began to delete some of their tweets, as if to erase evidence …

Indeed, since 2015, Blue Box Game Studios seems to systematically reproduce the same advertising pattern via horror game projects that never see the light of day. Worse, we find this same way of proceeding by revealing to us the title of a game, raising the hype, announcing a postponement and never giving any sign of life. Since 2015, the studio has already announced 6 games without ever releasing them and the most recent (a certain The Haunting) dating back to 2020 and which went up to Early Access on Steam and having received 100% of negative reviews.


If it is still too early to have a definite opinion on Blue Box Game Studio and the Abandoned game, many players feel they have been fooled and wandered for months. It is quite true that there is little chance that Kojima is behind all this, he who is not the type to turn the hype into a bad buzz, especially since the latter also seems dumb in the face of the countless mentions of which he is a subject on social networks. The question remains whether Sony Interactive Entertainment was aware of the doldrums, knowing that the publisher put forward the Abandoned teaser last April by trusting the developers.

One thing is certain, we will wait for the slightest deed or gesture from Blue Box Game Studios and its pseudo-founder Hasan Kahraman, who must be hiding or jubilant behind his screen …


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