Впечатления от демоверсии Final Fantasy VII Rebirth — второй части запланированн..

Impressions from the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth demo — the second part of the planned trilogy of Final Fantasy VII remakes from 1997:

• the plot continues the story of the first part of the remake, and you will not understand anything without it. For new players, there is a video with past events that can be viewed in the main menu;
• the main plot again revolves around Cloud and his team who leave Midgar to chase Sephiroth. One of the main tasks will be to find a certain special Materia;
• the game has two graphics modes – 4K resolution with 30 FPS and 60 frames per second with dynamic resolution. The graphics in the game pleasantly surprise — it’s hard to recognize the original, everything has changed so much;
• at the very beginning, you will be offered to choose between a turn-based and active combat system. The latter is much more dynamic and dilutes the typical JRPG gameplay. Battles with ordinary enemies are not very interesting, but the first boss has several phases and requires a special approach;
• several linear locations and a battle with the boss are available in the demo version, but in the main game, you are wait for an open world with a lot of activities and mini-games;
• unfortunately, there is no Russian localization in the game, but there are a lot of cutscenes and videos. The language level is not too difficult, but constant mention of past events without translation does not allow full immersion.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth — a logical continuation of the first remake, made for fans of the series. For newcomers, it will be quite uncomfortable here, but the huge scale and special combat system may appeal to everyone.

Fantasy VII Rebirth will be released on PlayStation 5 on February 29.


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