Title: Patch Notes Version 1.1.10f1

Title: Patch Notes Version 1.1.10f1

Title: Patch Notes Version 1.1.10f1

Hello everyone! We’re releasing a new patch today that includes several important fixes, detailed below, as well as some backend updates to facilitate the upload (and download) of the forthcoming Region Packs. Although the asset editing features are not yet completely finished, we’ve devised a workaround to enable these uploads. The Paradox team is working passionately to deliver creations from talented artists worldwide to you. They’re diligently crafting each pack individually and will soon unveil a roadmap, so stay connected! We’re thrilled to see what they produce, and we hope you are too.

Now, onto bug fixes. This update addresses several tourism-related issues and aims to resolve the absence of hotels in newly designated commercial zones. While existing commercial buildings won’t be replaced by hotels, new hotels will emerge in freshly zoned commercial regions or if you demolish existing structures.

If you’ve been frustrated by the persistent appearance of homeless tents in your city parks despite all efforts to eradicate homelessness, you’ll be relieved to hear that tents will now disappear once the homeless vacate your parks. If your city still faces a significant homeless issue or if citizens seem stuck, please report the bug, including any mods you’ve used, and share your save with us.

Finally, this patch brings pollution adjustments and fixes. While notable changes in your city aren’t anticipated, highway-related noise pollution has increased. If residential areas are near highways, consider installing sound barriers to mitigate noise.

If you’re using mods, please be aware they might require updates to function properly with the new patch, so patience with modders is appreciated. Should you encounter new problems in the unmodded game, we’d value your reporting them so we can investigate. Now, let’s delve into the patch notes:

Gameplay Fixes & Improvements
  • Resolved issue where homeless citizens were endlessly waiting for public transport at the International Airport.
  • Addressed the persistence of homeless tents in parks once vacated.
  • Improvements to Tourism:
    • Fixed hotels not appearing in Commercial Zones, even with high City attractiveness.
    • Corrected City Statistics panel displaying zero for occupied/available Hotel Rooms despite hotel’s presence.
    • Resolved tourists lingering within buildings without any activity.
    • Enhanced Seasonal Weather Effect values with positive effects at comfortable temperatures, and negative effects at extreme temperatures.
  • Enhanced vehicle pathfinding by increasing preference for direct routes to prevent unnecessary detours on bus and tram routes.
  • Raised fire spreading probability from 0.05 to 0.3 to facilitate fire propagation to adjacent buildings.
  • Made adjustments to air pollution, resulting in more pollution generation, slightly wider spread, and slower dissipation.
  • Resolved road-based noise pollution issues and balanced it, leading to slight increases from highways but consistent levels from other roads.
  • Corrected visibility of vehicle-emitted pollution, previously observable only over roundabouts and map edges.
  • Fixed occasional disappearance of transport stop icons within stations when highlighting one.
  • Prevented cars from parking in Motorcycle Parking Lot.
  • Aligned Subway Stations’ workplace and garbage accumulation values with those of other stations.
  • Standardized company and city service worker calculations and resolved related issues.
  • Ensured Disaster Response Units can reach destinations even when sub-buildings are destroyed by fire.
  • Resolved inconsistencies in population, workspace, chirps, and statistical graphs due to a worker and workspace-related data bug.
  • Addressed crash to desktop when cancel action was attempted while applying action over net segments with bulldozer tool.
  • Fixed crash to desktop issue connected to mixed residential buildings.

UI Fixes & Improvements
  • Darkened infomode background for improved readability.
  • Refreshed leisure type icons.
  • Optimized resource icons to eliminate excess empty space.
  • Enhanced visibility of the Ore icon.
  • Improved RCIO zoning view to clearly highlight vacant buildings.
  • Updated European Theme icon for better differentiation from North America.
  • Fixed issue causing the road length tooltip to flicker and display variably when constructing a straight road.
  • Ensured road length tooltips remain visible on-screen, positioning them adjacent to the cost tooltip when necessary.
  • Rectified citizens’ destinations showing prefab names rather than city names when “moving away” or “going to school” via the Outside Connection.
  • Prevented truncation of city names that are extensive and lack spaces.
  • Fixed the issue of “share of the city’s monthly income spent on loan interest” text disappearing when exceeding 100%.
  • Rectified controller hints issue in various locations.
  • Constrained City Attractiveness in Info View within the range of 0-100.
  • Adjusted Selected Info Panel title bar to expand congruently with text scale.
  • Adjusted info menu tooltips to open in front of the menu.
  • Changed leisure type for ChirpX from ‘meals’ to ‘city indoors’.
  • Addressed incorrect cost displayed in Tree tooltips.
  • Corrected ‘Hide UI’ option to also hide the mouse cursor.
  • Ensured Evacuation Bus icon represents transportation service in Selected Info Panels.
  • Corrected Temperature value display issue, previously showing as negative zero.
  • Guaranteed at least one passenger is shown in random traffic personal cars.
  • Fixed issue where Emergency Battery Station upgrade for Diesel Generator didn’t display power generation (MW) in build menu tooltip.
  • Restricted grid mode while building bridges.
  • Stabilized residential suitability value in residential info view.
  • Prevented Citizens tutorial pop-up from rendering off-screen or at its edge.
  • Addressed tutorial tasks being minimized and unexpandable when using a Controller.
  • Rectified tutorial service selection display issue concerning text scaling.
  • Ensured Milestone pop-up cards are not obscured by a tutorial balloon when overlapping.
  • Resolved issue of chirps being truncated in the chirps panel.
  • Implemented various text and translation corrections.

Audio Fixes
  • Added missing sound effects.
  • Fix ensured Terraforming sounds cease when closing Landscaping menu during terraforming.
  • Rectified unrelated whoosh sound occurring during loading screen upon game start or load.
  • Resolved issue where ambient game sounds could interfere in the main menu.
  • Addressed audio for Office, Commercial, and Industrial Signature Buildings not rented by a company.
  • Corrected Residential Signature Buildings audibility despite being non-functional.
  • Ensured destroyed building upgrades cease sound effects.
  • Prevented deactivated building upgrades from producing sound.
  • Ensured Overground Parking’s Car Wash upgrades produce sound.
  • Corrected Subway Station Services sound playback issues.
  • Added missing sound effects for “On fire” issue when constructing an upgrade adjacent to the main building.
  • Fixed issue where vehicle sounds persisted at high altitudes in Photo Mode, removing them after horizontal movement.
  • Removed idle engine audio from crashed vehicles.
  • Added missing night ambience sounds.
  • Stopped forest fire audio loop once trees are burned down.
  • Resolved issue with multiple radio ads playing without corresponding companies present.
  • Adjusted timing for radio emergency broadcast triggers.
  • Added missing host talk segments to the Smooth Beat radio channel.
  • Reactivated missing radio event “Celebrity Interview” with Rock Musician Mansion.
  • Resolved issue with Tourism-related radio events not triggering despite meeting criteria.
  • Triggered “Free public transport” Radio Event correctly when transportation fee is set to 0.

Misc Fixes & Improvements
  • Updated to Unity 2022.3.44f1.
  • Enhanced intersection placement snapping for better accuracy.
  • Added ability to snap to existing net geometry when placing objects with embedded networks, affecting pre-built intersections, transport stations, depots with tracks, and utility buildings with power line or water pipe connection points.
  • Included options for inverting mouse/gamepad stick X and Y axis.
  • Allowed customization for camera rotation, zoom, movement, and scrolling sensitivity.
  • Added quick camera movement functionality for keyboard (Shift+WASD).
  • Displayed currently selected height in the Level landscaping tool.
  • Enhanced tunnel and pipeline visibility when utilizing the terrain tool.
  • Improved controller usage with the bulldozer.
  • Resolved bulldozer tool crash issue when attempting to demolish roads without permission.
  • Corrected landscaping brush size adjustment issue when using a controller.
  • Set radio ads setting to remember preferences across game sessions.
  • Ensured saved radio network and station selection between sessions.
  • Adjusted tutorial behavior upon reloading and continuing tasks on the map.
  • Fixed ‘Connecting Turbines’ tutorial task to complete when Wind Turbine is initially connected to the Road.
  • Ensured construction cranes aren’t visible after building destruction.
  • Resolved potential pathfinding issues or crashes after modifying Specialized Industry and Landfill areas with navigation.
  • Addressed UI system crash when placing objects utilizing the brush tool in the editor.
  • Rectified overlapping issues with elevated net pillars located under roads.
  • Prevented ‘Unlock Map Tiles’ option from being turned off when loading a save using the option.
  • Fixed keyboard inputs becoming unresponsive post Steam overlay entry.
  • Suppressed unnecessary pedestrian access alerts when placing Small High School and Medium Parking Lot adjacent to one another.
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for all toolbar buttons.
  • Implemented keyboard shortcut hints in button tooltips and a “Show shortcut hints” setting to toggle their visibility.
  • Included keyboard shortcuts for buttons in the Selected Info Panel like relocating or activating buildings.

Modding Changes
  • Added support for custom climates in map creation.
  • Resolved game freeze issue when inputting 10 integers in object’s X or Z position in Editor mode.

Paradox Mods & SDK
  • PDX SDK 1.24.0
    • Corrected the language code for Traditional Chinese when retrieving legal documents by type.
    • Removed deprecated ISO 639-1 language code “bh.”
  • Mods UI Version 1.7.2
    • General: Improved mod sync failed modal to allow for retrying sync without navigating to the mod list.

Known Issues & Tips
  • Existing cities require zoning new commercial areas or demolishing current commercial buildings for hotel development. Ensure your city has ample leisure opportunities and attractions for tourists, coupled with good public transport both within and leading to/from the city.
  • Anticipate increased noise pollution from Highways after the pollution balance changes, and consider installing sound barriers near residential zones.
