Слух: Nintendo Switch 2 будет поддерживать 120 ГцДатамайнер OatmealDome, изучив ..

Rumor: Nintendo Switch 2 will support 120 Hz

A data miner OatmealDome, having studied the latest version of the NintendoWare Bezel Engine, which was used in the recently released Switch exclusive game Endless Ocean Luminous, discovered that the engine supports up to 240 FPS.

This could indirectly indicate that the next Nintendo console will be able to support a frequency of at least 120 Hz – it’s still unclear, exclusively in the dock, or also in portable mode.

It is most likely that only the least demanding games will run at 120 FPS, but for heavier titles, the support of 120 Hz will open the opportunity to run at 40 FPS, which feels much smoother than the standard 30 FPS for the first Switch, but does not require such high performance as 60 FPS.

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