RPG of the Year: First Previews of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Sequel Released

“RPG of the Year”: The First Previews of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Have Arrived

The sequel is largely similar to the first part but more beautiful and diverse;
The combat system has changed little but has become a bit easier to master. However, to fight beautifully and skillfully, effort is required;
The dark medieval atmosphere is still intact: characters swear, treat others harshly, and lack high moral values. This is demonstrated almost in the first few minutes;
Critics were impressed by the depth and development of the dialogues — listening to conversations is genuinely interesting;
The game world is described as truly vast and engaging;
Events constantly occur in the locations: NPCs may start an unexpected showdown among themselves, or an event might catch up with them;
The sounds are pure bliss — you can hear the crunching of branches, the rustling of leaves, distant clashing of battle, and so forth;
There are issues with bugs on PC, but critics are confident that developers will fix them.

Release is on February 4th.


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