Release Notes Version 1.1.5f1

Release Notes Version 1.1.5f1

Release Notes Version 1.1.5f1
Hey everyone! Get ready for a comprehensive set of patch notes for version 1.1.5f1, also referred to as Economy 2.0. A plethora of updates is on the way!

First, an important notice for those with existing saves: Your city will encounter a temporary surge in death rates. Following our development diary which covered changes to your saves, we’ve made alterations to citizen mortality rates to ensure a varied lifespan, preventing clusters of senior deaths. To circumvent future mass mortality events, your city will need to bid farewell to some of its residents.

Moreover, we’ve introduced a Tile Upkeep cost post the dev diaries. Particularly important for those using the Unlock All feature or mods to unlock all map tiles. Cities gradually unlocking tiles via milestones should manage the land cost with potential adjustments in taxes and service budgets. Smaller cities with extensive map unlocks may want to enable Unlimited Money.

For a quick rundown of considerations when loading an existing save, refer to this thread.

We immensely value your feedback and bug reports—they’ve been instrumental in refining these updates and addressing issues. Continue reporting problems here if you encounter any following this patch.

We are eager to hear about your experiences with the new patch. Please share your thoughts in this thread, on the main forum, or in the Suggestions section. Constructive feedback is greatly appreciated and invaluable to us. Now, let’s delve into the patch notes.

Note: A new patch might cause compatibility issues with mods. If you encounter problems, disable mods and wait for updates from modders. See this thread for more information.


Patch Notes 1.1.5f1

Building Upgrade Rework
  • Enhanced control over upgrades from the Selected Info Panel of City Service buildings.
    • All upgrade types can now be removed from the Selected Info Panel of a City Service building.
    • Sub-buildings can also be removed via the bulldozer tool.
    • Sub-buildings can be relocated.
    • Sub-buildings can be toggled on/off.
    • Sub-buildings can be selected independently.
  • Sub-building upgrades can be placed freely within a designated radius from the main building.
  • Updated City Service tutorial.

Economic Updates
  • Eliminated government subsidies to present a more challenging and transparent economy.
  • Taxes and Services tabs in the Economy panel are now accessible at milestone 1, while the Production tab is unlocked at milestone 2.
  • Introduced the “Import City Services” policy to control the import of city services from Outside Connections.
    • Budget panel now separates imported service items.
    • Service vehicles from Outside Connections will not be sent if the policy is toggled off.
    • Added service expenses for ambulances, hearses, fire engines, garbage, and police proportional to the city’s population.
  • City Service changes:
    • Increased chances for entering and graduating from both Elementary and High Schools.
    • Adults who didn’t finish High School can now apply with a 1% chance of acceptance (up to 3 times).
    • Garbage accumulation calculations now consider students, employees, prisoners, occupants, and homeless individuals.
    • Balanced garbage service upgrades.
    • Fixed fee for garbage collection instead of a variable amount.
    • Adjusted garbage accumulation values.
    • Updated upkeep costs for most City Service Buildings.
    • Wages for city service employees are now paid from player funds.
    • Increased electricity import prices.
    • Extended the time taken for ambulance and hearse notifications to appear.
    • Adjusted Service Fee curves for efficiency and consumption.
    • Updated water service fees (existing saves will reset to the new default value).
    • Increased workforce for:
      • Medical Clinic
      • Small Coal Power Plant
      • Police Station
      • Cemetery
      • Fire House
      • Landfill
  • Demand changes:
    • Residential density now depends on household wealth and family size.
    • Household spawning is influenced by citizen happiness, homelessness, taxes, available student positions, and job availability.
    • Commercial entities spawn based on household needs, reducing the repetition of companies in the city.
    • Adjusted commercial and industrial demand to mitigate “Not enough customers” complaints for new companies.
    • Taxes now have a greater impact on demand.
  • Employment changes:
    • Workers from Outside Connections no longer pay tax.
    • Workers from Outside Connections are excluded from population or workplace info views.
    • Outside Connection workers will search for jobs more frequently.
    • Workplaces within Outside Connections are less desirable compared to those in the city.
    • Only healthy citizens (not Sick or Injured) are considered employable.
    • Citizens can receive unemployment benefits for a limited period; afterwards, they will complain about “High Rent” and move away.
    • Fixed population jobs and workers amount issue.
  • Household & Happiness changes:
    • Households without adults will now relocate.
    • Wealthier households prefer larger homes in upscale neighborhoods with high land value and good service coverage, while poorer households opt for cheaper residences irrespective of service proximity.
    • Household needs are calculated based on disposable income after rent, prompting more reasonable spending.
    • Reduced the influx of senior citizens into the city.
    • Adjusted wealth happiness factor to a reasonable level.
    • Low happiness now increases the likelihood of household relocation.
    • Household spending ability now factors in the garbage fee.
    • Added a curve parameter to stabilize the death rate of senior citizens (existing cities will experience an immediate death wave).
  • Production and Company changes:
    • Adjusted values for:
      • Resource production,
      • Resource price,
      • Household wages,
      • Tax income.
    • Resource price now includes both industrial processing and commercial service prices, with customers paying the combined cost.
    • Workforce requirements per unit for resource processing are now pre-configured, eliminating the automatic calculation.
    • Companies will now go bankrupt rather than seek new locations if unprofitable.
    • Increased the Industrial Manufacturing space multiplier to allow more workers per grid, reducing the need for buildings.
    • Updated office employee numbers.
    • Adjusted work-per-product requirement to decrease city income.
    • Adjusted simulated service prices.
    • Improved company relocation logic to consider not only bankruptcy but also tax rate and workforce factors.
    • Significantly reduced profitability of Extractor Resources.
    • Balanced Industrial and Office company parameters, including Default Output Amount, Max Workers Per cell, Initial Resource Price, and required work per unit. Increased the Space multiplier for Industrial and Office zones.
  • Rent and Building Level changes:
    • Abolished the virtual landlord concept, with building upkeep now evenly distributed among renters.
    • Introduced a new rent calculation: Rent = (LandValue + (ZoneType Building Level)) LotSize * SpaceMultiplier.
    • Enhanced “High Rent” notifications based on the household’s income, reducing the likelihood of complaints even with low balances, with adjustments in resource consumption instead.
    • Building level now hinges on the renters’ ability to pay upkeep fees. Full payment increases building condition; inability to pay reduces it correspondingly.
  • Crime rate adjustments:
    • Rectified police service coverage for zoneable assets. The police station will patrol to reduce crime rates, which will rise in zone type buildings based on the police coverage.
    • Adjusted NA and EU PoliceVehicle02 Crime Reduction value to align with NA and EU policevehicle01 value.
    • Removed crime scene pathfinding limitation of building’s crime rate to prevent uniform criminal pathfinding results.
    • Introduced a new crime factor lowering crime likelihood in larger cities.
    • Decreased crime recurrence probability due to a longer waiting period for criminal tag removal.
  • Elevated Map Tiles purchase costs.
  • Added an upkeep fee for newly acquired map tiles.
    • The initial 9 tiles are excluded and do not incur an upkeep fee.
  • Added an option to “Unlock all map tiles” (disables achievements and nullifies the tile upkeep cost).
  • Increased road construction and upkeep costs.
  • Moved upkeep details from Tooltip to the Selected Info Panel.
  • Reduced refunds for demolished roads and buildings.
  • Adjusted household shopping capacity from 4000 to 2000.
  • Updated Specialized Industry Unlockings to commence from milestone 0.
  • Fixed taxes being levied after bulldozing the entire City.
  • Corrected Citizen Wealth Infoview to highlight households with ‘Wretched’ wealth level.
  • Fixed incorrect relocation statistics data.
  • Corrected an issue where newly spawned companies immediately complained of workforce shortages.
  • Fixed commercial zones accumulating massive citizen debt.
  • Rectified inconsistent refunds when replacing roads and stops.
  • Rectified high mortality risk issue:
    • Fire accidents now result in only a 1% death probability, compared to the previous 50% death rate for medium/high-density buildings in flames.
    • Building destruction events now cause 50% death, down from the previous 90% death rate for inhabitants still within.
  • Rectified issue of Outside Connection workers being unable to find employment.
  • Corrected trade cost division by zero bug.
  • Updated mod publisher for auto-login via Paradox SDK.
  • Upgraded Paradox Mods to Version 1.5.2:
    • New feature: Mod details now display installed/missing dependencies.
    • Enhanced: Automatically retry going online if offline previously.
    • Improvement: Changed close X hover effect for gamepad users.
    • Enhanced text display for empty states when offline in library or playset details.
    • Fix: Offline mode now starts with your active playset.
    • Rectified double back click issue on the following creators view.
    • Corrected broken bumper navigation when offline with a gamepad.
    • Fixed gamepad legend issues when offline in library or playset details.
    • Fix: Pressing the B button on a gamepad now closes the Sync modal.
    • Rectified font weight warning.
    • Corrected height misconfiguration warning in scrollbars.
  • Added custom unit support for sliders in mod settings.
  • Introduced keybinding support for mods:
    • Mods can define their own input actions, integrated into the game input system.
    • Added a key binding field allowing mods to provide key rebinding for their actions.
    • Integrated conflict detection between game bindings and mod bindings based on action usage.
    • Warning icons next to bindings with conflicts.
    • Notification in the main menu for key binding conflicts.
    • Support for three action types: press (single button), axis (negative/positive button), vector (directional buttons).
    • capability to assign separate keyboard keys and gamepad buttons to an action.
    • Support for built-in and custom processors/interactions for actions.
  • Fixed crash issue triggered by downloading a specific number of mods.
  • Fixed bug with SettingsUISetterAttribute where private methods and properties were inaccessible.
  • Rectified mod installation notification stuck issue when a mod download fails.
  • Updated notification texts.
  • Enhanced "mod loading error" dialog to display the error.
  • Fixed mod loading issues when the playset was changed via the web version or when there are updates.
  • Rectified cases of mods not loading or "enabled code mods are changed" notifications not appearing.
  • Fixed "mod page" and "disable" buttons visibility issue on mod loading error messages for local mods.
  • Corrected endless "mod loading…" notification if mods fail to load.
  • Fixed Unity installation detection issue when running the game on a different account.
  • Rectified modding toolchain install/uninstall warning dialog overflow with long dependencies lists.

  • UI performance optimizations for the economy panel.
  • Other UI performance enhancements with audio bindings, rendering, cursors, and updating panels.
  • Performance optimization for the Chirper panel.
  • Particle effects optimizations.
  • Audio memory usage optimizations.
  • Enhanced placement performance to improve FPS during complex building or road placements.
  • Fixed job-finding performance issue when there were no available workplaces and workers, causing endless job pathfinding queries affecting performance.

Fixes & Improvements
  • Unity update to 2022.3.29f1
  • Fixed crash when using the quick load function while relocating and rotating a building.
  • Fixed crash after deleting a Train Station with a broken Subway connection and placing new subway tracks.
  • Fixed crash in SetupFindHomeJob.
  • Fixed crash caused by removed renter.
  • Fixed crash when resizing the oil extractor area, leading to pump deletion.
  • Improved likelihood of household members traveling together.
  • Enhanced tree leaf hue, saturation, and randomness values.
  • Adjusted tree collision radius to better match visual gaps, allowing closer placement of bushes and similar items.
  • Improved pathfinding for citizens and delivery vehicles to consider building construction time and path duration, preventing arrivals at construction sites.
  • Emergency mode for some patients transported by ambulances now randomized based on health level.
  • Lowered probability of building fires spreading to adjacent buildings.
  • Default glass material changed from tinted brown to non-tinted.
  • Updated EU and NA theme icons.
  • Enhanced wealth info view color and citizen wealth state parameters.
  • Corrected wealth info view color mismatch by shifting from household member-based wealth to household-based wealth.
  • Improved Airport development tree node icon.
  • Adjusted XP values for low construction cost buildings.
  • Corrected depots, enabling trains/subways to only transit through using dedicated bypass tracks.
  • Fixed several Signature Buildings’ occupation issues (must be rebuilt for the fix).
  • Adjusted signature building info view color priority in RCIO info views.
  • Rectified bonuses for Ludo Square and Cane Residences signature buildings to ensure consistency.
  • Resolved issue with unsaved settings.
  • Fixed progression of achievements on saves previously using mods not being disabled.
  • Fixed missing specialized industry main buildings.
  • Corrected visibility of Forestry and Ore Industrial Storage yard props.
  • Adjusted farming extraction area color for visibility on fertile land with info view active.
  • Fixed crematoria sub-building car access issue when snapped to main building. Move/recreate the building for the fix to take effect.
  • Addressed taxis from Outside Connections getting stuck for long durations.
  • Corrected personal car passenger count/capacity issues for cars with trailers.<br
