Новые подробности Assassin’s Creed Hexe с ведьмой в главной ролиПо информации То..

New details of Assassin’s Creed Hexe starring a witch

According to information from Tom Henderson, the game is in the early stages of development and is positioned as a more linear adventure with elements of open world exploration.

From the teaser, it’s clear that the central theme will be witchcraft, and the game is set in 16th century Europe. The main character Elsa possesses supernatural abilities which are partially integral to the game play. For example, you can control a cat to distract the enemies.

The developers also plan to implement a fear system. The details are still unknown, but given the context of the Middle Ages, such a mechanic could be one of the main features of the game.

The release is planned for 2026. Are we waiting?

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